
A lawyer with an ear for jazz

Mark Hughes

THERE'S more to Haldanes lawyer Chris Morley than meets the eye. When he's not adjusting his briefs, he can be found indulging his passion for music.

The Scotsman has secured a tenure at the exotic Quo Quo restaurant in the Entertainment Building in Central, where he plays the piano from 6pm to 8pm every first and third Friday of the month.

Chris, who performs mostly 1950s jazz, developed his talents by playing the seedy bars of Scotland while he was a student and busking (presumably not with a piano) in Lisbon.

SAD news has come our way that a former colleague of Edward Llewellyn at the Conservative Party's Central Office, Sean Holden, has contracted leukaemia. Sean, who is as true blue as they come, has to undergo chemotherapy in order to overcome his illness. However, he appears to be bearing up. The other day he remarked that the treatment makes his urine turn blue. 'Not even Margaret Thatcher can do that,' he announced proudly.

HONG KONG'S public relations agencies, of which there are many, have been receiving unsolicited calls from a UK-based company called Eurotech asking them if they want more business - to which the obvious answer is always 'yes'.

The company spokesman then bangs on about how well connected and able to drum up business he is. However, then comes the rub. For doing so, he demands a fee of $36,000.

The PR man who told us this wondered why he should pay so much for something he could do himself for virtually nothing bar a telephone call or the price of a stamp.

IF you fancy sampling a morsel of crocodile or kangaroo meat, you'll probably enjoy the territory's first ever Queensland food fair at the Hotel Furama Kempinski on April 24 and 25.

The exotic dishes are just two of an array of Australian food which is being billed as exotic and healthy. Nearly 30 of Queensland's leading food exporters will participate in the event, showing off their goods to the food trade and hospitality industries here.

Also on display will be the latest technology for the clean and safe transportation and storage of seafood, something this city needs badly following last year's cholera outbreak.

PATRICK Stewart, who plays Captain Jean-luc Picard in the latest Star Trek film, blew a gasket when he was in the territory last week to promote the movie. The cause of his anger was a question directed at him by a reporter who addressed him as Captain Spock, the half-Vulcan with pointed ears.

In the wake of the insult, Stewart insisted that anyone else who interviewed him should watch the new movie first so as to be properly prepared.

HONG KONG'S Discovery Channel has found a fan in the form of President Fidel Ramos of the Philippines. The network, which can only be picked up here from the Palapa B2P satellite, offers programmes about science and technology, nature, history, human adventure and world cultures.

President Ramos was the first of nine regional celebrities to be filmed for the Channel's Global Image campaign in celebration of its upcoming 10th anniversary.
