
'Don't be afraid of talking' plea

Louis Won

Chief executive candidates should not be afraid of talking to the Democrats despite pressure from Beijing, says the Democratic Party's mock candidate, Szeto Wah.

Mr Szeto was speaking as he officially launched his territory-wide campaign to collect signatures for his shadow candidacy yesterday.

The shadow candidate has invited Tung Chee-hwa, Sir Ti Liang Yang and Peter Woo Kwong-ching to meet party legislators. A similar invitation will go to Simon Li Fook-sean, who announced his candidacy last week.

However, only Mr Tung and Sir Ti Liang have agreed to the meeting, said party legislator Lee Wing-tat.

Mr Szeto said: 'How can they stand up for Hong Kong's interests if they fear Beijing may not like them to talk to us? 'If any of them says they don't want to talk to us, I'll ask them why.' He said the qualities for chief executive listed by Chief Secretary Anson Chan Fang On-sang were better than any of the contenders' political agenda.

Protection of freedom of speech and freedom of press should top their agendas.

'[Mrs Chan] was able to see the most crucial point,' he told RTHK's City Forum.

On Saturday, Mrs Chan said the chief executive should possess five qualities, including the ability to preserve and protect the freedoms and rights enshrined in the Basic Law and the Joint Declaration.

Mr Szeto said he would closely monitor the chief executive after he was chosen at the end of the year.

Asked why he was not running in the proper race, Mr Szeto said: 'The whole selection process is not democratic and fair, why should I take part?'
