

John Crean

HONG KONG-based Kyi Hla Han, Asia's leading player last year, hobbled out of the Macau Open yesterday following a painful swimming pool accident while playing with his children.

Han, 39, was seven over par on the day and four over for the tournament when he withdrew on the 15th hole as he was in pain.

'I did not sleep much on Friday night and the physio advised me against playing but I thought I would have a go,' said Han, who injured a toe on his right foot on Thursday.

He stubbed it on a piece of concrete as his children pranced in the pool. 'This is a really hilly course and the pain was spreading up my leg - it was difficult to play and I was dropping a lot of shots.' Han is due to defend his Volvo China Open title in Shanghai next week and hopes to be fully fit after a couple of days' rest.

'I need to put my feet up for a few days and I should be OK. It would be really disappointing if I am still experiencing problems next week as the China Open was the only event I won last year and it would mean a lot to defend it successfully.' Han, playing with Mark O'Meara, shot a five-under-par 66 on the first day but slipped to a 73 on Friday after his accident.
