
Exotic friends

Alan Lee

House pets. Think cute fluffy little animals like dogs, cats, rabbits, gerbils and hamsters.

But snakes and spiders? Meet Andy Liu Kwok-wai and be prepared to have your perception of pets changed forever.

Mr Liu, the owner of an 'alternative pet shop' in Mongkok, sells pythons from the Amazon, deadly desert scorpions from the Sahara, giant hairy spiders as well as large Australian lizards that may give your home a 'Jurassic Park' feel.

'Many customers in suits, carrying a briefcase, come in to my shop. They often spend a lot here. One customer bought a $4,500 white milk snake the other day,' said Mr Liu.

So you are wrong if you think only freaks would keep giant snakes or hairy spiders.

'Our customers come from all walks of life. They include executives, teachers, students and foreigners,' he said.

According to Mr Liu, snakes and lizards have always been the bestsellers. Prices vary from $100 to $5,000. He suggests that beginners choose more common breeds which are easier to keep, such as milk snakes from the Caribbean and Australian desert lizards. They cost about $400.

Mr Liu said even though pythons and chameleons also made good pets, they were rare species and need special care. Besides, anyone who wants to keep one must apply for a licence from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. Failure to comply may result in a maximum fine of $50,000 and six months' imprisonment.

While you may find snakes and lizards a little scary, for some people they are no longer novelties.

'Some of my customers find snakes and lizards too common. They want something extraordinary. Therefore, I offer more intriguing choices, such as poisonous black widow spiders and lethal desert scorpions,' said Mr Liu.

As most scorpions and spiders are poisonous, Mr Liu tells his customers all the precautions and details before selling them. He will not sell them to children who are too young to handle them.

'You won't die if you get stung by a scorpion or bitten by a spider, but you will be in great pain and the wound will remain swollen for a month or so,' he explained.

'We advise customers not to handle them with bare hands.'

Mr Liu keeps a deadly jungle spider from Columbia called the Usuamber Baboon and a fat-tailed scorpion from the Sahara in his shop. They are both lethal and not for sale.

According to Mr Liu, the United States is the biggest market for alternative pets. Every August and September, a number of large-scale international exhibitions of alternative pets are held across the US. Most of the exhibitions are held in the State of Florida, where Mr Liu gets most of his stock from.

'We provide free leaflets featuring tips on keeping these exotic pets,' said Mr Liu.

He said as snakes and lizards were cold-blooded animals, temperature control was crucial to their health. Most of them will find it comfortable when the temperature falls below 28 degrees Celsius. Spiders prefer a dark and humid environment.

'With good care, a snake or lizard can live up to 10 to 15 years, while a spider or scorpion can live eight to 10 years,' said Mr Liu.
