
News Quiz

1. A sweeping air evacuation of terror-stricken Bali was under way early Monday after a bomb ripped through the island's nightclub district, leaving almost 200 people dead.

A. nuclear

B. bus

C. truck

D. car

2. Criticisms of the new $10 notes were expected because the design was , officials said.

A. colourful

B. pretty

C. innovative

D. historic

3. The traditional Chinese practice of ' the devil' on the pavement in Canal Road West in Wan Chai will be regulated, making the event a tourist attraction to the economy.

A. beating

B. meeting

C. greeting

D. welcoming

4. The hierarchy that oversees the cleaning of streets and has been simplified, saving taxpayers $66.3 million a year.

A. gardens

B. public toilets

C. apartments

D. rivers

5. Oscar-nominated film director Shekhar Kapur has spoken of his 'disgust' that his US$60 million (HK$466 million) film The Four Feathers has been , before its British release.

A. cut

B. dropped

C. edited

D. pirated

6. An upbeat Colin Montgomerie has set his sights on conquering after almost single-handedly putting the United States to the sword in the Ryder Cup.

A. England

B. China

C. Japan

D. Australia
