
PM's idea of regional airshow to take off

Sophie Benge

MALAYSIA will host the largest airshow in the region this December, thanks to the personal support of the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, a former pilot and aviation enthusiast.

The idea for LIMA, (Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition) was thought up by Dr Mahathir, in line with his plans to industrialise Malaysia by 2020, according to Felix Thai, general manager of the airshow.

''The aviation industry is one of the areas he particularly wants to develop,'' said Mr Thai.

The airshow will open on Langkawi island from December 7 until December 12.

The show, which will have more than 300 exhibitors from 32 countries, is costing the government US$20 million, Mr Thai said.

The funds are being spent on building the apron area for exhibiting aircraft, roads leading to the exhibition site, and a permanent new exhibition centre.

Land is being reclaimed and ferry stations are being constructed to support the maritime arm of the exhibition.

''This exhibition is the only one in the country to have a cabinet committee and it constitutes one of the largest government expenditures this year,'' Mr Thai said.

The exhibition can also be seen as a celebration of Eagle Aircraft, Malaysia's first national aviation firm.

Mr Thai said the company was set up in Australia as a joint venture but was taken over 100 per cent by the Malaysian Government earlier this year.

It produces small twin-seater planes.

The first LIMA air show was held in 1991 but, following the huge government investment, it will be much more impressive this year.

Organisers are expecting 15,000 trade visitors and many more when it opens to the public for the final two days.
