
Chris' dating dilemma

Dino Mahoney

If you WEre a boy, could you imagine your sister taking your place on a date with a girl, dressed as a boy? This brother-sister date-swap is the story line of a new Songbirds drama serial called Brother-Sister, Sister-Brother that begins tonight at 9.30pm on Radio 4 (FM 97.6).

Chris and Christine are twins who look alike except for the fact that Chris is a boy and Christine is a girl. They are very close to each other and when Chris is too ill to go out on a date with a girl, he arranges for Christine to dress up as a boy and take his place.

Below is the first part of Brother-Sister, Sister-Brother for you to read either before or while listening to the programme.

Chris: That's her ... over there.

Mark: With the long hair?

Chris: Yes.

Mark: And she lives in your block?

Chris: Yes. She moved here last year.

Mark: Last year.

Chris: What d'you think she'll say?

Mark: Don't know.

Chris: Do you think she'll say 'yes'?

Mark: Ask her.

Chris: What if she says 'no'?

Mark: She won't, she'll say yes.

Chris: D'you think so?

Mark: (Pause) She's a pretty girl.

Chris: That's the problem, I bet hundreds of boys want to go out with her.

Mark: (Laughing) Hundreds?

Chris: Well you can see how pretty she is.

Mark: She is pretty.

Chris: I bet if I asked her to go out with me she'd look straight through me and walk away.

Mark: No she won't.

Chris: She'll pretend she hasn't heard what I said.

Mark: I don't think she'll do that.

Chris: What shall I say to her?

Mark: Just ask her.

Chris: What, just walk up to her and say: 'Hi Michelle, do you want to go out with me on Saturday?'

Mark: What's wrong with that?

Chris: I couldn't.

Mark: Why not?

Chris: I'd die.

Mark: How else are you going to ask her?

Chris: Write her a note?

Mark: You could do.

Chris: No. She'll think that's silly.

Mark: Why?

Chris: Well I see her almost every day in the lift ... or around the estate ... so why should I write to her?

Mark: Ask her then.

Chris: I know, you could ask her for me!

Mark: Me?!

Chris: You could say: 'Excuse me Michelle ... my friend Chris wants to go out with you on Saturday.'

Mark: It will seem a weird if I ask.

Chris: No it won't.

Mark: She doesn't know me.

Chris: She doesn't know me!

Mark: She knows you better than me ... I don't even live on the estate.

Chris: That doesn't matter.

Mark: I think you should ask yourself, Chris.

Chris: Ask for me Mark ... please.

Mark: I don't want to ... I'd feel silly.

Chris: Why? It's easy, you just ask her if she'll go out with me and then tell me the answer.

Mark: It's better if you do it.

Chris: I won't know what to say.

Mark: I've just told you, ask her if she wants to go out with you ... it's simple. What floor does she live on?

Chris: Twenty-second.

Mark: Well if you get in the lift and go up with her, you'd have enough time to ask her out.

Chris: What if there are other people in the lift?

Mark: When do you see her?

Chris: She gets off the minibus on the corner at about five and walks to the estate the side way. Then sometimes I see her going to the supermarket or over to the shopping centre.

Mark: You could wait for her, offer to carry her bags and then ask her out.

Chris: I've never actually spoken to her before.

Mark: So how come you know her name?

Chris: I heard her talking to someone in the lift and they called her Michelle.

Mark: Look, she's coming this way ... now's your chance Chris ... ask her ... Go on.

Chris: If she says 'no' I'll die.

Mark: Go on.

Now listen to the rest of Brother-Sister, Sister-Brother and answer the following:

1. Chris uses an idiom meaning to start communicating, to create a friendly atmosphere. This idiom is ...

a) to see red

b) to break the ice

c) to catch a cold

d) to eat humble pie

2. Fill in the gaps. When Chris describes the girl he likes to his sister Christine he describes her as: 'Not very (a) _____ and she's got (b) _____ hair and a (c)_____ pretty face.'

To listen to or read past Songbirds drama episodes, visit the Radio 4 Songbirds section of the RTHK website at

Answers: 1b; 2 (a) tall (b) long (c) round
