
Tennis champ aims high

Judy Ngao

Name: Jonathan Cho Hyun Duk

School: King George V School

Grade: Year 7

Sport: Tennis

Achievements: Jonathan, 12, is ranked third in Hong Kong in the under-12 division. He is also ranked eighth in the under-14s.

He played in the Hong Kong Junior Tennis Series in January, beating the top seeded player.

Jonathan won the under-12 doubles event at the Lions Club Hong Kong National Junior Tennis Championship 2007. He made it to the finals in the under-14 category.

Soundbite: 'I've played tennis for six years. I started because I had nothing else to do. I like it because it's a challenging and fun sport,' Jonathan said.

From his coach: 'Jonathan loves tennis. He has a big passion for the sport. He comes out almost every day to train. That shows how dedicated he is,' said coach Raphael Maurer.

'Jonathan's goal is to be in the top 10 in the Asian Tennis Federation's 14-and-under ranking.'

Ambitions: 'I want to be a professional tennis player when I grow up. I will train as hard as I can to achieve that,' Jonathan said.
