
Lingerie experts reveal vital statistics on 'growing' phenomenon

Some 180 local and overseas lingerie experts converged on Polytechnic University this week to exchange their knowledge of intimate apparel for ladies.

Rarely does an academic conference attract so many members of the press pack, but something about bras really tickled the local media's fancy at the first international forum of its kind in Hong Kong.

The highlight of the conference was two presentations, by Winnie Yu Wing-man (above), an associate professor at the university's Institute of Textiles and Clothing, and bra-size academic Alison Prince of Britain's De Montfort University, who is also head of its department of fashion and textiles. Professor Prince specialises in plus-size bra designs.

According to both researchers, the intimate parts of women worldwide have been getting bigger over the years, and Hong Kong is no exception. The average size in Hong Kong was 34A 20 years ago. It's now 34B. But in North America and Europe, it has jumped from 34B to 36D over the same period. However, Dr Yu said many young women in their 20s still wore A size in Hong Kong.

Academics at the conference attributed the 'growing' phenomenon to obesity and hormonal stimulation in contemporary diet.
