
March ado about nothing

Penny Hunter

1 After which Roman god was the month of March named?

2 The grand old Duke of York marched how many men to the top of the hill?

3 Which American composer, who wrote The Liberty Bell among other military pieces, was known as the March King?

4 Who led 62,000 men on the legendary 480km 'March to the Sea' in 1864, during the American civil war?

5 Which children's author, born on this day in 1904, created Yertle the Turtle and a creature called the Lorax?

6 To which northern province did the Red Armies of the Communist Party of China retreat during the Long March of 1934 to 1936?

7 The phrase 'the Ides of March' has come to signify impending doom. Which date does it refer to?

8 According to the 1942 song, what should a girl not sit under until her soldier beau 'comes marchin' home'?

9 What wildlife film won the best documentary Oscar in 2006?

10 What was the name of the titular and fictional provincial English town in George Eliot's best-known novel?

Solution: 1 Mars, the god of war 2 Ten thousand 3 John Philip Sousa 4 General William Sherman 5 Dr Seuss 6 Shaanxi 7 March 15, the date of Roman emperor Julius Caesar's murder, in 44BC 8 The apple tree 9 March of the Penguins (La Marche de l'Empereur) 10 Middlemarch.
