

Cammy Yiu

Blank Theatre Company

McAulay Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre

1-5 July 2008, 8pm

Blank Theatre Company takes on a provocative play by American playwright David Mamet to explore the political tug of war between the two sexes.

Oleanna was written during a defining event in US history - the senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas in 1991 and its climax when a former colleague Anita Hill testified that he had made inappropriate sexual remarks to her. This turning point in gender politics fuelled debate on what is acceptable behaviour for those in positions of power.

The emotionally-charged, three-act drama has provoked intense discussion about political correctness and the struggle for power between those who have it and those who don't. Directed by Sam Yates, the play is heavy with dialogue and subtle nuances, focusing on the developing breakdown in communication between the two characters - John, a university professor and Carol, his student. For actor Howard Paley (above), John's fall from the mighty to the meek was a 'juicy part' too good to pass up.

'This is a role that pushes and challenges you on all levels and makes you think,' he says . 'John is not easy to decipher. Although his psyche changes [throughout the play] he is still, in the end, left wondering what went wrong.'

In the beginning Carol is powerless and confused, but as events unfold, she gains strength as John loses control. Kesty Morrison (above), who plays Carol, explains that the character's true motivations are not fully revealed, but 'Carol genuinely feels that John has been negligent in teaching her and is guilty of inappropriate advances and abuses of power.'

Over the course of the play, the audience witnesses the progressive destruction of a man's life. What seems unimaginable at the beginning becomes a shocking reality at the end. The final scene is indelible, violent and shocking.

2 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai, HK$220. Inquiries: 9127 0420 or
