
History-makers Part 11: Tatanka Iyotake

Ellen Whyte

Known as: Chief Sitting Bull

Famous for: winning the battle of Little Bighorn

Born: about 1831, near Grand River, South Dakota, US

Died: December 15, 1890, Grand River, South Dakota, US

Married: to Light Hair, and after her death to others, possibly including Four Robes, Snow-on- Her, Seen-by-her-Nation, and Scarlet Woman

Profession: tribal chief

Great Chief Sitting Bull

Find words that mean: clan, fighter, give up, the property of

Sitting Bull was leader and chief holy man of the Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux, a Native American tribe.

The Lakota Sioux depended on buffalo. They ate the meat, and used the skin to make tents, tools and clothes.

When the first Europeans arrived, they did not get along with Sitting Bull's people. The Lakota Sioux believed land belongs to everyone. The Europeans believed land is owned. There were fights when the Europeans claimed the land where Sitting Bull's people lived. Europeans had better weapons so they usually won.

In 1875, gold was discovered in the Black Hills. Although this was Sitting Bull's land, the US government ordered him to move.

Sitting Bull gathered his warriors into Little Bighorn River valley and faced an army led by General George Armstrong Custer. The Sioux killed all but one of Custer's men. But they realised they could not fight the rest of the army.

Sitting Bull went to Canada. When there were no more buffalo to hunt he surrendered.

After this, Sitting Bull joined Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. But the authorities worried he might start another war. Sitting Bull was shot while resisting arrest.

Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World

Fill in the gaps: guide, messenger, trader

William Frederick Cody got his fi rst job when he was 11 years old. He had to work to support his family because his father had died. Cody was a _____ for a train company and later the Pony Express.

Because Cody travelled a lot, he got to know the land and the Native Americans that lived there very well. During the American Civil War, Cody became a _______ in the army.

After he left the army Cody became a buffalo meat ________. He got his nickname because he killed 4,280 buffalo in 17 months.

When the buffalo began to die out, Buffalo Bill started a show. People from all over the world came to see sharpshooters like Annie Oakley and famous people like Chief Sitting Bull.

Ghost dance

Find words that mean the opposite of: cause, stop, different from, after

Native American tribes communicated with the spirit world through dance and song. Some songs were used to cure disease. Some dances were used to bring rain.

When the trouble between Native Americans and European settlers began, they danced the Prophet Dance. They hoped this would turn back time. They wanted the world to be the way it was before the Europeans arrived.

After Sitting Bull was defeated, the Ghost Dance was invented. It was similar to the Prophet Dance.

The US government worried the Ghost Dancers would start a revolution.

When Sitting Bull and his people continued to dance, the army tried to stop them.

During the fight, Sitting Bull was killed.

True or false?

To test your memory, try answering without referring to the text. If you can't remember the detail, read the piece again.

1 Sitting Bull was leader of the Plains Apache.

2 The Sioux depended on herds of buffalo for their survival.

3 Sitting Bull and his warriors beat Custer and his army,

4 Sitting Bull worked as an entertainer for Buffalo Bill.

5 The Ghost Dance is supposed to turn back time.
