
Use time wisely to gain experience

The third year of university is somewhat more relaxed than others, as many of the core courses have been completed. Students have at least two days with no lessons. But deciding what to do with this free time is not an easy task for many.

Li Biyi, a third-year advertising student from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, only had classes on Monday and Tuesday this month, leavin her with four free days a week. 'I want to do an internship to make good use of the days off,' she says. 'But the problem is that work may clash with my classes. I don't want to skip classes; but at the same time, I want practical experience.'

On, a popular online community among students, 819 people took part in a survey which asked, 'Do you think it's worthwhile to skip classes for internship in the third year?' Nineteen per cent of voters said it wasn't worth it, 23 per cent said it was, and 52 per cent said it depended on the individual.

One netizen named Kathy said if a student can balance his or her time between work and studying, there shouldn't be a problem. But if not, he or she should put study first.

Tan Huazhu, a journalism graduate from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, says practical work is invaluable. 'I skipped some classes to spend some time at the television station when I was in my third year,' he says.

'I don't have any regrets because some classes are not that useful, and some teachers do not teach well. When that's the case, I prefer to learn by myself.'
