
Career choices all in the stars

Jin Peh

The resurgence of the property and construction sector gives professionals in the field the long-awaited chance to strut their stuff. How should one grab the chance and stand out?

From the Chinese astrological chart that takes into account one's time, day, month and year of birth, experienced astrologers can ascertain if earth is the dominant or useful element, in which case the individual concerned would excel in property and construction jobs. The interpretation of Chinese astrological charts is best left to experts as incorrect perspectives may result in one choosing the wrong profession.

Meanwhile, managers of a real estate office should adhere to fung shui principles when assigning team members. For instance, those involved with property sales and marketing should be sitting where the 'wealth star 8' is. The location is calculated from the time when the building was constructed, as well as the facing and sitting directions of the office.

The wealth sector for this year is in the centre of the office and will shift northwest next year. Placing the sales team in these sectors at the appropriate time will help boost revenue. But it is better to locate the team in the office's permanent wealth sector to avoid the inconveniences caused by moving each year.

Those involved with property management should be where the 'health stars 8 or 9' are. These represent stable energy that is good for consulting and negotiation, and for maintaining office harmony. The 'harmony star 9' is in the northwest this year, and will move to the west next year. A management team in these sectors at the corresponding time will experience growth and satisfaction.

The earth element is associated with colours such as beige, brown and yellow, while wood, the element that attacks earth, is represented by the colour green. It would, therefore, be unwise to decorate the entire office in green. Rather, neutral earth tones would be more appropriate.
