Evolving with Baby
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Matching Baby's Changing Needs

The first 36 months of life are crucial for development of all kinds which it is why it is important to stay in tune with baby’s evolving nutritional needs so he or she can grow healthy.

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Our nutritional needs change throughout life. This is especially true in the first three years of life when the body, brain, vital organs and immune system develop at an amazingly rapid rate.

During the first year, baby will triple his or her weight. This period is also a crucial time for the development of the immune system and vision.
This is why it is important that a baby’s nutritional intake includes a careful balance of all the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients to fuel this incredible growth.

It is also essential his or her feeds are tailored to the different stages of growth and evolve with baby to give the maximum benefits.

Equally important is that these essential nutrients are given in quantities that are right for baby at his or her specific age and provide the right balance of protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals. Too much of one can be just as inappropriate as too little. For example: too much protein can put too much stress on the kidneys.

Expert help at home

The Wyeth BabyNes machine is an advanced nutrition system inspired by the evolving needs of baby aged up to 36 months and created by experts with years of experience in infant nutrition.

BabyNes capsules come in a range to cover the different stages of baby’s growth up 36 months and provide the suitable balance of nutrients needed for each stage of development. This ensures baby’s nutritional intake evolves alongside his or her changing needs.

More refined capsule stages

Compared to traditional milk formula which usually has four stages, Wyeth BabyNes offers more age specific stages for parents. For example, normal Stage 3 products cover the age from 12 to 36 months. With BabyNes this stage has been fine-tuned and divided into two stages: one capsule stage for babies who are aged 13 to 24 months, and one for those aged 25 to 36 months. This makes the Wyeth BabyNes better designed to fit baby’s evolving needs.

All the different stages of BabyNes capsules include DHA and AA needed for brain development, lipids and essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and Bifidobacterium lactics (BIFIDUS BLTM) to help support the development of healthy gut flora.

Capsules covering the stage of 7 to 12 months are for babies who are just beginning to enjoy solid food yet perhaps not eating enough quantity and variety to ensure a balanced diet. This stage therefore also includes vitamins and minerals which might be lacking in baby’s limited early solid food diet, particularly calcium, Vitamins A, C and D and iron.

The 13-24 month stage capsule has been created for the transitional phase when baby is beginning to discover and enjoy a much wider range of “grown-up” food. As such it contains less protein and fat content to account for baby’s increasing intake of solid food.

The final stage capsule is designed for toddlers aged 25 to 36 months whose diet is the largely the same of the rest of the family. At this stage milk remains an important source of the calcium needed for healthy bones and it is recommended children should drink around two cups of milk a day as part of the healthy diet. The BabyNes capsule for this age group is suited for this need. However, again the protein and energy content has been adjusted to account for baby’s increasing appetite.

Wyeth BabyNes nutrition system with its age-targeted capsules has been created to make it easier for parents to stay in sync with baby’s changing nutritional needs. All it takes is the right capsule and the press of only one button.


**The feeding system that evolves with your baby**

The period up to 36-months is a golden time of growth for your baby when his or her nutritional needs change continuously to fuel the development which takes place both physically and cognitively.

In recognition of this fact, Wyeth Nutrition created Wyeth BabyNes: an advanced nutrition system with Wi-Fi enabled machine which is more fine-tuned to the different stages of baby’s growth. Directly imported from Switzerland, Wyeth BabyNes capsules offer more age-specific stages that are created to closely match baby’s evolving nutritional needs at each developmental phase.


To learn more about BabyNes:


BabyNes 7-12 months is a follow-on formula for babies aged 7-12 months, formulated for use as a nutritional supplement for the transition to the semi-solid and solid food portion of the older infant’s diet.  BabyNes 13-24 months and 25-36 months are growing-up milk specially suited to healthy young children aged 13-24 months and 25-36 months.  All are not breast milk substitutes.
Pictures for illustration and reference only, and may not reflect actual products.
Wyeth® is a registered trademark of Wyeth LLC. Used under license.


