Igor Patrick
Igor Patrick
Correspondent, US
Igor Patrick has worked in different media outlets in Latin America, mainly covering Brics and China. In addition to his bachelor's degree in journalism (PUC Minas), he holds two master's degrees from the Yenching Academy (Peking University) and Schwarzman Scholars (Tsinghua University). Before joining the Post, he was a fellow at the Wilson Center, where he wrote the book "Hearts & Minds, Votes & Contracts: China's State Media in Latin America".

China made advances in AI, big data analytics and deepfakes; its initiatives already detected in elections in Australia, Canada and Taiwan, says Avril Haines.


News of the summit, slated to take place during the UN’s top climate conference, shared after the two sides’ new envoys met in Washington for talks.


Head of US International Development Finance Corporation Scott Nathan calls on members of Congress to review the eligibility criteria for funding to help build partnerships, particularly in Latin America.


The use of Uygurs for forced labour is impossible to properly document because of Beijing’s intentional moves, Biden administration official tells the Congressional-Executive Commission on China.


Disinformation campaigns waged by China and Russia fan misperceptions amid years-long ‘drumbeat of very negative information’, says Kurt Campbell.

‘China’s goal is to enjoy the fact that the US is getting bruised here, but also to use the conflict in Gaza as a way to rally the Global South against the United States,‘ one says.

Washington should offer ‘alternatives to what our competitors are offering’, says Foreign Relations committee chair, referring to Beijing’s advances.


Seeking economic opportunity, Chinese merchants build bustling wholesale markets, sell Made in China goods and deal with occasional resistance from Mexican vendors.

Setting up shop in Mexico helps avoid US tariffs, but Chinese companies still must confront major concerns about labour costs, profitability and cultural differences.


Two leaders described as holding ‘a candid and in-depth exchange of views’, although Xi slammed Biden’s ‘endless stream of measures to suppress’ advanced technology transfer.


The House Foreign Affairs Committee unanimously approves legislation to add oversight for the periodic renewal of the landmark Science and Technology Agreement.

US president says he would sign the legislation if Congress passes it, with a vote in the House of Representatives possible as early as next week.


Washington better served by focusing on economics and other areas to ‘counter malign forms of Chinese and Russian influence’, according to new report.


High-risk, high-cost mega-infrastructure projects like those backed by Belt and Road Initiative decline in popularity, with developments now seen in sectors with faster returns and fewer operating costs.


After taking part in a Group of 20 meeting, Antony Blinken is expected to meet with Luis Inacio Lula da Silva in Brasilia and Javier Milei in Buenos Aires.

Chen Liren, 27, had been hospitalised since his arrest on January 16 for beating his wife, Yu Xuanyi, another Google employee, to death in their home in Santa Clara, California.

Water treatment plants, the electric grid and transport hubs are among the targets of state-sponsored hacking operations, FBI Director Christopher Wray tells lawmakers.


As part of a Biden-Xi summit deal, the US lifted curbs on a Chinese agency deemed complicit in human rights violations in an effort to stem the flow of opioids.


Early test is Replicator Initiative, which aims to field thousands of American autonomous systems across land, sea and air within next 18 to 24 months.


Brasil CRT pledges investment of US$1.85 trillion in state of Paraiba, but suspicions arise after a video of the proposal apparently duplicates that of a project for Shenzen, China.

Cofco Sugar, Jingweida Technology and Xinya New Materials are newest names on Uygur Forced Labour Prevention Act blacklist, bringing total tally to 30.
