Sue Ng
Sue Ng
Sue joined the Post in 2021. She graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a double major in journalism and counselling.

Baptist University began offering Hong Kong’s first degree in agricultural science in 2019 and the government will launch the city’s first urban farm this year.

Exam was more straightforward than in the past, asked students to make fewer comparisons, and didn’t include question phrases like ‘usefulness’ and ‘limitations’.


Secretary for Labour and Welfare Chris Sun said that while the government has introduced measures to improve senior well-being, nothing compares to real companions like dogs.

Collaboration between Hong Kong Metropolitan University and the Airport Authority’s International Aviation Academy hopes to increase the number of pilots in the city.

Move comes after government said it would stop paying exam fees – which it had been doing since 2019 – for candidates in 2025 due to budget deficit.

When people move to flats far from Hong Kong’s city centre, it can be challenging to find support. The House Captain programme is trying to fill that gap.

Singer has a right to be upset at the person tracking her plane, but should also take ownership of her aircraft’s environmental impact, one student writes.

Initiative from NGO One Bite Social has collected stories about neighbourhood plants and used them to bring people together, giving them fresh perspectives.

While not all these films centre on the traditional holiday, they’re all about love, friendship and the importance of family, making them the perfect watch.

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Hong Kong society