Parenting: teens
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Maria Gabriela Salas with sons Armando (left) and Gabriel Torrealba. Photo: Peter Andrew Bosch

How to get into the head of a teenager: a neuroscientist explains

Parents expect teens' actions to match their developed bodies. But they won't always.


For parents of teenagers, the start of a new academic year can often usher in old problems: Procrastination, impulsiveness, staying up until all hours of the night - and then not getting up in time for school.

This kind of behaviour is disheartening, but there's good news. It's just a developmental phase, and knowing the science behind the teen brain can help you help your child.

"When you use science and fact to explain why they're behaving the way they are," says Frances Jensen, a neuroscientist and author of , "it's a way for both of you to feel validated and vindicated."

For years, scientists - and parents - believed the adolescent brain was like an adult brain. In fact, the accepted theory was that brain growth was relatively complete by kindergarten. But science has proven differently. Teens behave the way they do because the part of the brain that controls judgment and emotion - the prefrontal cortex - hasn't developed fully and won't until they reach their 20s.

"Think of the teen brain as a Ferrari with weak brakes. It's revved up, but doesn't always know how to stop," says Jensen, who is chairwoman of the department of neurology at the University of Pennsylvania.

In other words, the teen brain is a work in progress, yet sometimes parents expect teens' actions to match their developed bodies. But they won't always. Here's why:

The pre-frontal cortex, the area in the brain right behind the forehead, controls our executive function: the ability to plan, organise and use memory. It even regulates moods. But it hasn't fully matured in a teenager, and his behaviour will reflect that.

What's more, as a teen's brain gets "rewired", their decision-making is rerouted to the amygdala, a part of the brain that reacts immediately to any perceived threat. The amygdala is involved in the processing of emotions such as fear, anger and pleasure.

Think of the teen brain as a Ferrari with weak brakes. It's revved up, but doesn't always know how to stop
Frances Jensen

"There's a mismatch between what we expect of them and what they can truly do," explains Margaret Sibley, a clinical psychologist at Florida International University's Centre for Children and Families. "And the connection between the two varies from child to child. Some kids struggle more than others and for others, these executive function skills click earlier."

This, however, doesn't mean parents should throw up their hands and sit out those teenage years. In fact, scientists say adolescence provides a window of opportunity to help guide a teen through tumultuous times. Many situations provide teachable moments.

"Our job is to get them to the point that they're making good decisions on their own," says Alan Delamater, a professor of paediatrics and psychology at the University of Miami's Mailman Centre for Child Development. "The idea is to constantly work with our children so they can perform to the best they can be."

Some parents have learned to do this through trial and error.

Determining what's important and what isn't also has been instrumental for Maria Gabriela Salas, a personal coach. Her two sons, 13-year-old Gabriel and 15-year-old Armando Torrealba, have different personalities and interests - but both need help focusing and organising. Sometimes they wait until the last minute to complete an assignment. To help them, she has a family calendar on the refrigerator marked with various deadlines.

Our job is to get them to the point that they're making good decisions on their own
Alan Delamater

"Consistency is key," she adds. " They have to know what's expected of them and what the consequences are for their actions."

What's more, she tries to help them establish "reachable goals" for the school year. "As a parent you have to be reasonable but firm," she says. "You don't want to set them up for failure."

Jensen, the neuroscientist, calls these strategies "frontal lobe assists", when a parent helps a teen connect the dots to achieve acceptable behaviour.

"Some things just don't occur to them," Jensen explains, "so you have to help them get there. You have to ask the right questions: When do you have a test? What should you do first? How do you plan to tackle this? How much time are you going to need?"

Teenagers need rules for when to log out, shut down and prepare to sleep.

10 other frontal lobe assists to help teens through a smooth school year

Be an active listener. "Talk to kids about what their goals are, what's important to them, what they want to accomplish," Delamater says. "Don't lecture."

Be consistent. Be specific. Let your teen know what is expected - and what the consequences will be if expectations aren't met.

Stay calm. Don't overreact, and learn to distinguish between what's an emergency and what isn't. "Count to 10 [before reacting]," Jensen says. "That was my mantra with my sons."

Establish a morning and evening routine.

Don't just say no. Explain why. Ask for suggestions on how certain situations should be handled.

Emphasise sleep. Teens need about nine hours of sleep, but most don't get it. Help your child get organised enough that he or she will keep to a schedule that promotes sleep.

Encourage discussion that will help stimulate new ways of thinking about and answering a problem. "Let kids define the goals with your help," Delamater says. "It should be about them and what they want."

Don't expect perfection. Learn to pick your battles. No one can be "on" at all times.

Praise them when they do something right. Be specific about what and why they deserve that praise.

Role-model the behaviour you expect from them. "At this stage," Delamater says, "parents are more like consultants. They can be the bridge to adulthood."

Tribune News Service

This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as: How to get into the head of a teenager