
Pizza-eating Brie Larson and 9 best celebrity #10YearChallenge social media posts

Actress Brie Larson accepted the 10-year challenge by posting a photograph of herself eating pizza alongside a picture of how she looked 10 years ago.
Actress Brie Larson accepted the 10-year challenge by posting a photograph of herself eating pizza alongside a picture of how she looked 10 years ago.

Jessica Biel, Mark Ruffalo, Tyra Banks, Caitlin Jenner and Sarah Silverman are among the stars to accept the challenge. How did they do?

The new year, 2019, is here and naturally our first order of business as a society of human beings is to say “challenge accepted” to a new social media challenge.

The #10YearChallenge is a trending hashtag, which has made an appearance on various social media platforms, encouraging users to post a photo of themselves today, side by side with one of themselves from 10 years ago.


Celebrities have answered the challenge with vigour – so let’s check out some of our favourites.

From those who take the challenge seriously …

1. Jessica Biel


Besides the hair and a slightly slimmer face, actress Jessica Biel looks identical to herself 10 years ago. With genetics from both Biel and Justin Timberlake, the future looks bright for their children.

2. Mark Ruffalo

Aydee Tie
A Disney, Harry Potter, Marvel, Pokemon and altogether pop-culture geek, Aydee is the Social Media Editor on the Specialist Publications desk at SCMP. On the weekends you can find her holed up in board game cafes plotting to conquer the world... one Meeple at a time.