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Mainland social media has been stunned by the story of a 20-year-old student in China who has been diagnosed with a delusional love disorder which makes him think he is attractive to all his fellow female students. Photo: SCMP composite/Shutterstock

‘All the girls in school like me’: China university student suffers delusional love disorder, warned it could lead to sex addiction and aggression

  • Condition sees student make inappropriate displays of love to random women
  • Despite being universally rebuffed, man thinks rejection is because women are shy

The story of a 20-year-old university student in China who suffers from delusional love disorder has trended on mainland social media.

A second-year university student in Jiangsu province, eastern China, surnamed Liu, was diagnosed with the condition which makes him think that all his female schoolmates fancy him.

His condition became so acute that he even began to show inappropriately bold displays of love to them.

After receiving medical treatment, Liu has started to recover, Litchi News reported.

Experts say that in its more extreme forms, the condition can make the patient prone to carrying out physical attacks. Photo: Weibo

The student developed symptoms in February, and as his condition deteriorated to the extent that he became psyched up about his perceived allure around the clock.

“All the girls in school like me,” Liu told Lu Zhenjiao, a doctor from Huai’an No.3 People’s Hospital.

“He thinks that he’s the best-looking guy in the university,” Lu told Litchi News.

Although he received negative responses from all the women he approached, Liu took this as a signal that they were too shy to accept his love.

“He has brought much trouble to many of his schoolmates,” doctor Lu said.

In addition, with his continued high spirits and excitement, Liu also showed a variety of changes in behaviour, including staying up all night, being distracted during class and spending money recklessly.

The details about him being sent to the hospital are unclear, but doctors diagnosed him with delusional love disorder.

Lu said that the disease is commonly seen in spring between March and April when peach blossoms are in full bloom.

During that period the weather is changeable, causing a fluctuation of endocrine levels in the body. People who suffer from the condition will become hyper and suffer sleep loss.

Once it sets in, patients display hyper-excitability, are talkative, and suffer from sex addiction.

“In more extreme cases patients can become enraged and attack people,” added Lu.

Doctor Lu said Liu’s condition is improving after doctors put him on a course of specialist treatment. Photo: Weibo

The doctor said as soon as people notice even the milder symptoms medical treatment should be sought.

Liu is now in recovery after psychotherapy and drug treatments.

His story has gone viral on mainland social media. At the time of writing, the Weibo news story had attracted 4.6 million views and 3,369 comments.

One online observer said: “Do human beings also go into heat in the spring?”

Another said simply: “Poor man.”
