Tour de France 2015
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Spain’s Joaquim Rodriguez grits his teeth in a breakaway on the 12th stage of the Tour de France. He went on to win the stage. Photo: AFP

Joaquim Rodriguez wins another stage but Chris Froome still controls Tour de France

Spaniard triumphs in rainy slog through climbs in the Pyrenees in the cycling classic


Chris Froome controlled a series of tentative attacks from his rivals as Joaquim Rodriguez won his second stage of this year's Tour de France on Thursday.

Rodriguez, 36, was part of an original 22-man breakaway on the 12th stage that gradually split up over the 195km trek from Lannemezan to Plateau de Beille in changing weather that ranged from 38 degree Celsius heat to 12 degrees with thunder, lightning and hail.

The Spaniard had already won the third stage finish on the Mur de Huy and also had a stage victory back in 2010.

After three days in the Pyrenees, and a finale like today's we're tired of course
Chris Froome

"After two days in the Pyrenees the morale was quite low. After Tuesday's stage I realised I could not fight for the general classification so I decided to focus on winning stages," said Rodriguez.

Denmark's Jakob Fuglsang was second at one minute 12 seconds with Frenchman Romain Bardet third at 1:49, the pair dropped by Rodriguez on the final 15.8km hors category climb to the finish.

Froome came home in 10th at 6:47 among his principle rivals, including Nairo Quintana, two-time former winner Alberto Contador and reigning champion Vincenzo Nibali.

"After three days in the Pyrenees, and a finale like today's we're tired of course," said Froome.

Tour de France yellow jersey leader Chris Froome heads a slog up a climb on the 12th stage. Photo: EPA
Having suffered terribly over the previous two days in the Pyrenees, Italian Nibali had been a shadow of the figure that stormed to victory a year ago, but he was back to his normal self in coming 16th in the same time as Froome.

He was also one of several Froome rivals to attack the 30-year-old Briton as Contador, Quintana and Alejandro Valverde all tried to make the Sky train crack.

But Froome was expertly marshalled by first Richie Porte and then Geraint Thomas in chasing down those digs, although when Quintana tried, it was Froome himself who took no risks and set off after Quintana.

It left Tejay Van Garderen, safely home in 13th, second at 2:52 overall with Quintana third at 3:09.

Contador remained sixth at 4:04 while Nibali moved up from 11th to ninth at 7:47.



This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as: Rodriguez wins again but Froome still controls Tour