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Rio Ferdinand retired from professional football in 2015. Photo: Reuters

Manchester United legend Rio Ferdinand turns to professional boxing

Former England centre back is set to turn 39 later this year but hopes to convince British Boxing Board of Control to grant him a licence

Former England star Rio Ferdinand is set to announce on Tuesday he is going to try to become a professional boxer just two months away from his 39th birthday, according to The Daily Telegraph.

Ferdinand, who won 81 caps and made over 300 appearances for Manchester United, is an avid boxing fan and has admitted spending time boxing in the gym has helped clear his head a bit after losing his wife and the mother of his three children Rebecca Ellison to breast cancer in 2015.

Ferdinand, who has become a respected television pundit since hanging up his boots in 2015, is set to make what has been termed “a major news announcement” on Tuesday but will need to convince the British Boxing Board of Control he merits a licence.

He would not be the first footballer to turn to a career in the ring as former Sheffield United striker Curtis Woodhouse won the British light-welterweight title in 2012.
