
Hong Kong hikingi

Hong Kong is renowned for its numerous hiking trails, despite its dense population, with more than 40 per cent of Hong Kong is protected country parkland. Hiking is a popular pastime for the city's residents with some of the most popular hikes including Dragon's Back, Lantau Peak and the MacLehose Trail.


Moving from Hong Kong to the UK brings many changes, especially when hiking. The writer swaps subtropical heat, humidity, snakes and wild boar for cold, mud, cows, sheep and dogs.

What has worked for Hong Kong in the past probably won’t succeed in a world that is supposed to be focused on climate change and sustainability. Rethinking how to promote the city and making visitors feel more welcome are essential to restoring Hong Kong’s battered reputation.

  • A study finds that physical activity is 1.5 times more effective than counselling or leading medications for improving depression, anxiety and distress symptoms
  • Hong Kong-based life coach Betty Grisoni started trail running to turn her physical and mental health around after suffering depression and suicidal thoughts

Authorities earlier called off operation for hiker missing since Thursday; area has been among city’s coldest in past week, dipping to -1.6 degrees one morning.

Discover Hong Kong's five hardest hiking trails, from Kau Nga Ling to Sharp Peak. Our visual guide highlights the risks and emphasises safety measures for hikers.

Emergency services stage rescue after teenager using Google Maps to get home through country park during Typhoon Koinu dialled 999 as phone battery dwindled.

Fire Services Department says it relaunched its rescue efforts to find Ning Kwok-leung on Saturday evening after authorities lowered No 8 typhoon warning.

Police say rural patrol officers discovered man, 62, on hillside near Stanley Fort, only hours before Observatory issued warning over Super Typhoon Saola on Friday morning.

When two explorers went coasteering – climbing and swimming – around the coast of Hong Kong’s Lantau Island, they were stunned by its beauty and variety of marine and plant life.

Hong Kong’s backyard trails offer important green space for residents. With many falling into disrepair, a new project looks to pressure authorities into taking a less passive approach to their upkeep.

Exploring Dogs is a community of dog owners who get together each month with their furry friends to hike around Hong Kong and raise money for different animal charities.