Japan’s first-ever bunk-bed ‘sleeper bus’ will need you to buckle up while snoozing
A Japanese bus company’s first bunk-bed bus aims to remove accommodation costs for young concert travellers

According to news outlet Nikkei, the highest demand is likely to come from young travellers on their way to concerts and other events.
The sleeper bus aims to allow passengers to arrive fully rested, attend the event they want and return home without needing to book accommodation, with journeys expected to last up to 13 hours.

The bus has been christened “Sommeil Profond”, French for “deep sleep”. Sommeil Profond will house 12 bunks, allowing for 24 passengers at a time, half the average capacity. The journey between Tokyo and Kochi will cost 7,300 yen (US$47) for a limited period.
Last November, the way was paved for full-flat sleeper buses when Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism established safety guidelines for operators.