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Sense of history

Cameron Dueck



The Silent Sound is on her way to the Canadian Arctic. We left Canada on June 6 and are sailing north. Our friends and family were there to see us off, and although it was not easy saying goodbye to them for the summer, we also know we're setting off on an adventure that will change our lives.

Many people have asked us the same questions: 'Will it be dangerous? What is the biggest risk you face?' These are hard questions to answer.

Every time you set off to sea and put yourself at the mercy of Mother Nature, you can expect discomfort - and some danger. However, we have done our best to evaluate the risks we face, and take measures to minimise them.

Ice poses the greatest threat to our successful journey through the Northwest Passage. It is also the greatest threat to our personal safety in terms of sinking the boat.

We have been taking precautions against the ice, such as adding a layer of Kevlar protection to the bow of our boat and studying the forecasts issued by Canadian scientists who predict how fast the sea ice is melting and how it is expected to move this summer. The early predictions make it look like we should get through.

But how about other dangers, such as ocean storms, getting lost or falling off the boat?

Silent Sound is equipped with safety gear, such as a life raft, emergency radio beacons and an array of satellite and radio communication tools. That doesn't mean something bad won't happen, but it means that if we stay calm and think, we have the tools to solve the problem.

We also carry many tools to repair the boat if needed. The crew is constantly wearing special harnesses which keep us tied to the boat. They would also inflate and turn into lifejackets if we were to fall into the water.

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Young Post will be following Cameron and the crew of the Silent Sound on their epic voyage across the Arctic region. You can follow his voyage on OPEN PASSAGE and in his weekly log book in Young Post. If you have any questions, e-mail them to yp@scmp.com with 'postcards' in the subject field and we will forward them to Cameron.

Many people have asked us the same questions: 'Will it be dangerous? What is the biggest risk you face?' These are hard questions to answer.

Every time you set off to sea and put yourself at the mercy of Mother Nature, you can expect discomfort - and some danger. However, we have done our best to evaluate the risks we face, and take measures to minimise them.

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