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DC Superheroes Store

James Whittle



Comic book fans who want to get their geek chic on can now do so at the newly opened DC Superheroes Store. It will have you dressed from head to toe in your favourite hero's colours.

The store is located on the ground floor of The City of Dreams in Macau; a one-hour jetfoil ride from Hong Kong, plus a five-minute journey from the pier by free shuttle bus. From there it's geek heaven as you're greeted by a slightly larger than life-size statue of the Dark Knight himself, plus tables and shelves stocked full of cool DC clothes and gear.

The store carries a plethora of T-shirts inspired by your favourite heroes - Batman, Superman, The Flash, Green Lantern - and even some villainous attire is available.

To go with your new DC Superhero-inspired wardrobe is also a collection of bags, sports shoes, jackets and jewellery pieces.

Naturally there are plenty of action figures and other merchandise available, such as iPhone covers, belt buckles, diaries and numerous novelty items. Strangely, the one thing they didn't have was an actual DC comic book, but even Superman isn't perfect.

For girl geeks, there are plenty of things for you, too, like the Supergirl logo T-shirt modelled by Connie Lui (Miss Hong Kong 2006). It even comes in a bedazzled version, making that "S" crest pop even more.

So take a trip down to Macau over Easter and get kitted up, up and away.

The store is located on the ground floor of The City of Dreams in Macau; a one-hour jetfoil ride from Hong Kong, plus a five-minute journey from the pier by free shuttle bus. From there it's geek heaven as you're greeted by a slightly larger than life-size statue of the Dark Knight himself, plus tables and shelves stocked full of cool DC clothes and gear.

The store carries a plethora of T-shirts inspired by your favourite heroes - Batman, Superman, The Flash, Green Lantern - and even some villainous attire is available.

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