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Everyone has different hobbies and interests- find your tribe and ignore the haters

Tong Tsz-on created a video to let other people know that his interest in buses should be something to be celebrated, not hated, mocked or a reason to bully him




In Hong Kong, everyone seems to live in harmony, as there is rarely any conflict or tension. However, that isn’t always the case. My school, just like every other secondary school in the city, might look calm and peaceful on the surface, but in reality students can often experience discrimination or bullying.

How do I know this? Because I’m one of the students who gets bullied. I am a big fan of buses; I enjoy riding them and taking photos. However, I am often teased and tormented by my classmates because of my pastime. Even in the wider community, many people think buses are a weird thing to be interested in.

Because of these opinions, I started to think that perhaps I was the one in the wrong, and questioned whether I should find a different hobby.

This Unicef HK Make a Video entry shows that the key to happiness is being yourself

At the same time, my relationship with my family had started to become strained because of my interest. For a while, I stopped socialising with other bus fans, and tried to take part in other activities.

Eventually, I did a little soul-searching and realised that I truly am interested in bus spotting. I realised that there was no reason for me to give up something I enjoyed and shared with like-minded people because of what other people thought. I started taking photos of buses and seeking out other bus spotters.

I’ve been trying to prove that there is nothing strange about liking buses, or any type of transport. I want people to know that this is a real hobby, and that these enthusiasts can even play a role in improving transport facilities in the city.

Unicef HK’s Make A Video competition gives young people a chance to express themselves. The project is co-organised by the Hong Kong Arts Centre’s IFVA, with support from Hang Seng Bank and Young Post. Check out the videos at mav.unicef.org.hk and www.scmp.com. Email your feedback to edu@unicef.org.hk

The Make A Video Contest 2018 is now open for applications. This year, the theme is “The value we embrace”, which aims to encourage young people to embrace their values as they grow up. Details can be found here.

Edited by Charlotte Ames-Ettridge

In Hong Kong, everyone seems to live in harmony, as there is rarely any conflict or tension. However, that isn’t always the case. My school, just like every other secondary school in the city, might look calm and peaceful on the surface, but in reality students can often experience discrimination or bullying.

How do I know this? Because I’m one of the students who gets bullied. I am a big fan of buses; I enjoy riding them and taking photos. However, I am often teased and tormented by my classmates because of my pastime. Even in the wider community, many people think buses are a weird thing to be interested in.

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