If sleep were no longer necessary for survival, how would you spend that time?

Compiled by Young Wang
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Compiled by Young Wang |

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Every Monday we ask our Brain Game contestants one interesting, thought-provoking or just plain quirky question. Their answers will be published anonymously in Young Post. Then readers can vote for their FAVOURITE answer. We will eliminate the contestant with the LEAST votes every week until we have a winner.

The ultimate Brain Game winner will receive Sony's digital music player NWZ-A15 and Sony's headphone MDR-1A, worth HK$3,860.

The Contestants

Contestant 1

The answer to this question is basically a summary of my life: procrastinate. Every day when I'm not sleeping, eating or speaking, I will definitely be procrastinating. Sitting at the corner of my bed, I will start with a mere tab on Facebook, move on to Ask.fm, and then check my email. Next I'll go on YouTube and make sure I watch all the new videos on my subscription list. By then, I'll be tired and I'll go and take a nap. Now it's almost as if sleep isn't important: as long as I have my laptop and gadgets, I'll survive!

Contestant 2

There are three things I would absolutely do. Chatting with my mum definitely tops the agenda. Then I'll fully immerse myself in the world of literature; travelling to the past with the help of classic authors or catching up on my favourite authors. Finally, I can go star-gazing and catch the sun rising from behind the mountains - a rare moment many cannot enjoy in Hong Kong.

Contestant 3

What? No sleep? I fancy myself as a recreational sleeper and I don't sleep for rest. Please, I sleep for the joy of sleeping. I'm sure many other teens out there can relate. Sleep isn't just for survival; it's more of a ... shall we say, addiction? But OK, I could create a business that provides a place where you can sleep simply for the joy of it. But I found that doing all the research just made me sleepy. So it goes without saying that I would probably use that extra time doing what I love best - sleeping.

Contestant 4

This is going to sound beyond cheesy. I'd dedicate the time to an important person in my life. The constant flow of laughter, the chatter, the long conversations with no pauses, the fun, the jokes, the simple hugs and cuddles, that's all I want! I would seize the opportunity to free myself from the busy routine of lessons, meal, lessons, meal rather than spend that time studying again.


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