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Audio: Listening Exercise 55

John Millen




Sam’s science homework for the next two weeks is to prepare a talk on a famous scientist to give to the rest of his class. He has heard the name 'Marie Curie' and he knows she was a great scientist, but he doesn’t really know what she did. He finds a pod cast about Marie Curie and listens to it a few times. It is just what he needs to give him the information for his talk. Listen to the same pod cast and then answer the questions about Marie Curie.

Sam’s science homework for the next two weeks is to prepare a talk on a famous scientist to give to the rest of his class. He has heard the name 'Marie Curie' and he knows she was a great scientist, but he doesn’t really know what she did. He finds a pod cast about Marie Curie and listens to it a few times. It is just what he needs to give him the information for his talk. Listen to the same pod cast and then answer the questions about Marie Curie.

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