
Outdoor & Extreme: Adventure Racing

Ireland’s Brian O’Driscoll, South Africa’s Jean de Villiers and Hong Kong adventurer Annabelle Bond talk about setting yourself challenges and the sense of achievement to be had from training to reach, and achieving, them


With Oxfam Trailwalker and the Standard Chartered Marathon both on the horizon for Hong Kong runners, experts share their tips on what precautions to take before beginners start going for a jog

Wanting to get in shape, patent lawyer Mayank Vaid trained with his neighbour, world champion David Gething. He progressed to racing in Ironman, then Ultraman. His next challenge is the gruelling Enduroman

Growing up in an active military family in the New Territories set Sherriff up for a life of fitness. She shares her tips for working out and winding down

Signing up for Hong Kong obstacle race galvanised former teenage gymnast and multi-sports enthusiast Anna Gamvros, a lawyer and mother of three, to finally take up running in her 40s

More than 8,000 people are expected to crawl under barbed wire, leap over fire, throw spears and get neck-deep in mud in the city’s first obstacle-course race of international standard, in November


Police in Beijing briefly detained at least two foreigners dressed as Spartan warriors who were taking part in a publicity stunt on the streets of the capital to promote a salad company.